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When Everything Else is Falling Apart God’s Word Never Changes July 25, 2024 Mark 13:31 31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. Jesus was talking about what would happen in the end times. There were some bleak descriptions of...
Why Are You So Fearful?

Why Are You So Fearful?

Make a Choice:  Choose Fear or  Choose Faith July 16, 2024 Mark 4:40 40 But He said to them, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?”  ­­The disciples had just been through a big storm. And they had survived, although they thought that they probably...

Revivals Don’t Just Happen

Revivals Don’t Just Happen Paul the Apostle had been Paul the prisoner for at least two and a half years. And now he was Paul the shipwrecked. Put yourself in his shoes for a minute as he is standing there on the shore in the cold and the rain in the aftermath...