678-371-1349 [email protected]

Does Holiness Still Matter?

Does Holiness Still Matter? As a grace preacher, I am often accused of making it possible for Christians to live sinful lifestyles and get away with “stuff.” But in actuality, nothing could be further from the truth. I believe in living a holy lifestyle....

Has the Church Replaced Israel?

Has the Church Replaced Israel? There is a popular but erroneous teaching that the church has replaced Israel as the elect (chosen/covenant) people of God and that God is no longer concerned about the welfare of the Jews. I’m not sure which Bible those who are...

Can We Just Keep Sinning?

Can We Just Keep Sinning? If you are listening to the same message of grace that Paul preached, you will eventually come to a place where you ask the same question that Paul’s listeners asked. Since we are saved totally and completely by God’s grace, and...