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Once and Now

Once And Now The concept of a completely changed identity is undoubtedly one of the most essential ingredients that a Christian will need in order to be living a victorious life that is free from guilt and full of joy. But the understanding of what was ONCE in the...

Free to Love But Not Free to Sin

Free To Love But Not Free To Sin Being under grace and not under the law does not mean that we can do whatever we want to do. It does not mean that we can have an expectation that there are no consequences for sinful behavior. The liberty (freedom) that we have when...

Why The Power is Missing

Why The Power Is Missing Why is it that the majority of Christians are not walking in the victory of Jesus? Why is it that so many Christians cannot imitate the lifestyle and authority of Jesus even though He commanded us to do the same things He was doing, like...

Setting Aside Grace

Setting Aside Grace I think, for me personally, my misunderstanding of the concept of RIGHTEOUSNESS was the number one thing that kept me defeated for many years of my walk with Jesus. I knew I loved Jesus. And I knew Jesus loved me. Sort of. But I also had an...

The Power of Communion

The Power of Communion The Lord’s Supper, which is also known as “Communion,: or the “Eucharist,” (depending on your church tradition and terminology), is such a powerful display of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ upon the cross that every single...