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Does God Play Favorites?

Does God Play Favorites? Does God play favorites? Are some people given more grace than other people? This is actually a two-tiered answer.  But I would predict that in a survey of this question, most Christians would not be able to answer the question correctly. They...

Being Zealous For God

Being Zealous for God How many of you consider yourself to be zealous for God? I hope you answered in the affirmative! But have you ever wondered how God actually defines being zealous? Modern religion tells us to get busy. Go to church regularly. Serve on at least...

How Big is Your Faith?

How Big is Your Faith? How much faith do you have? Or to phrase it differently, how BIG is your faith? And do you wish you had more? I think if you polled a group of Christians on this question, you would likely get a wide variety of answers. But very few would admit...

Revivals Don’t Just Happen

Revivals Don’t Just Happen Paul the Apostle had been Paul the prisoner for at least two and a half years. And now he was Paul the shipwrecked. Put yourself in his shoes for a minute as he is standing there on the shore in the cold and the rain in the aftermath...