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When Everything Else is Falling Apart God’s Word Never Changes July 25, 2024 Mark 13:31 31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. Jesus was talking about what would happen in the end times. There were some bleak descriptions of...

Are Christians a Plague on Society?

Are Christians a Plague on Society? Paul had traveled all over the world telling people the Good News of the Gospel. And what did he get from it? Well for one thing, lots of enemies! And how did his enemies describe him? They called him a plague, a creator of...

Turning the World Upside Down

Turning the World Upside Down It is interesting to me that when the Christians of the early church would arrive in a new area, this is how the unsympathetic unbelievers would describe them: “Those who have turned the world upside down. ” I can assure you...