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The Power of Communion

The Power of Communion The Lord’s Supper, which is also known as “Communion,: or the “Eucharist,” (depending on your church tradition and terminology), is such a powerful display of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ upon the cross that every single...

How to be Disqualified

How to Be Disqualified Is Paul saying here that it is possible to lose your salvation when he speaks about the possibility of becoming “disqualified?” I am a little hesitant to get into the most controversial question in Christianity, not so much that I am...

When Cheeseburgers are Offensive

When Cheeseburgers are Offensive It is no secret that our American food supply is not as healthy as what previous generations used to eat. But many people don’t actually look at the nutritional information on the packaging of what they buy. And while sometimes...

What Marriage Isn’t!

What Marriage Isn’t! You cannot read the Bible without realizing that it makes absolutely no provision for the possibility of same-sex marriage. At no time does the Bible allow for this type of relationship. In fact, the only relationship that is described with...