When Everything
Else is Falling Apart
God’s Word
Never Changes
July 25, 2024
Mark 13:31
31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.
Jesus was talking about what would happen in the end times. There were some bleak descriptions of things that are coming. And persecution is something that is inevitable. Christians are going to be hated. And I believe this chapter indicates that the Jewish nation will be hated as well.
As things begin to fall apart, it is important to realize that there is something that we can count on that WILL NOT fall apart. God’s Word!
Now this point cannot be overemphasized. What Jesus describes for our temporary future is not for happy campers. National strife. International strife. Family strife. Global disasters. Cosmic disasters. And a physical Jewish temple in Jerusalem that will have an image of the antichrist placed into it.
I believe that much of this chapter will take place after the Church has been raptured away. The Church will never see the restoration of the Jewish temple or the rise of the antichrist.
But after the church is raptured away, many people will become Christians, and this will include the nation of the Jews, later during the great tribulation. But earlier in this period, the Jews will be deceived into thinking that the antichrist is their savior. He isn’t. And he will eventually turn on them. And when this occurs, they will realize that they rejected their Savior 2000 years ago and turn to Him en masse.
But the horrors that will be occurring by then will make it difficult to believe that God is for the Christians and that His Word is true. And THAT’S why Jesus says in the middle of this discussion that His Words will not pass away. Christians will be witnessing heaven and earth passing away as their environment and culture self-destruct around them.
But even with all this, they can still count on the Word of God to be faithful and true!
The modern church is facing challenges today that are difficult and disconcerting. In a country that was founded on the Bible and Christian principles, American Christians are facing mounting persecution and hostility. Society is deteriorating before our eyes. People who claim to be Christians are voting for people who murder babies and persecute people who stand up for the truth of sexual identity and a godly model of the nuclear family.
It is tempting to think that God has lost control. It is also tempting to think that God is IN control and that all these things are according to His will. Neither of these views is correct.
The correct view is that God’s Word will not pass away, It is still in effect and still has great power in the lives of those who will embrace it.
Stand on the Word. You may face persecution and have to watch society deteriorate around you. But none of the craziness that is coming will have the ability to force you off of the stance of standing on God’s Word.
Jesus told you what you need to be ready for what’s coming. And while heaven and earth will certainly pass away, His Word is unchangeable. Live your life that way and you will not be defeated when all of these things begin to happen.