July 2, 2024
Matthew 19:4-5
4 And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?
It is no secret that human gender, sexuality, and marriage are under attack. I think the last time I looked, the media was trying to convince us that there are now 112 genders, but this number just keeps going up as it isn’t based on science or any other measurement of truth. It is simply based on imagination run amok. In fact, a medical website called “Medical News Today” actually states, “there is no fixed number of gender identities.”
But this statement doesn’t diagnose anything physical. Rather, it is a sad testimony to the prevalent mental illness that pervades our society. And it is a testimony of how effective the LGBTQ+ community has been in perverting and subverting our children into a confusing view of their own self-identity.
Have you ever wondered why the issue of gender is under such a massive assault? It isn’t just a random perversion that has been foisted on us by the devil. Instead, it is a highly targeted and intricately designed attack for destroying the most basic building block of human identity.
Satan knows that human beings are designed to relate to each other in terms of their gender and sexuality. In fact, gender is the most basic level of how we identify ourselves. And he knows that if he can break us at our most basic level of our ability to self-identify, there is no longer any way for us to have the ability to build healthy relationships or self-identify in ways that aren’t causing us mental instability and anguish.
Healthy, victorious Christianity is based on our ability to self-identify as a dear child of God, our Heavenly Father. But if a person has been destroyed at their most basic level of being able to self-identify in terms of normal, natural gender and sexuality, their ability to be able to identify as a person who is valuable to God and worthy of being loved is severely compromised.
In that state, they can’t relate to other people, They can’t relate to God. They can’t even relate to themselves. Without a miraculous intervention from God, they cannot hope to have a relationship with God. But praise God, even a sexually confused individual can have an encounter with God and become born-again. And as a person who is a new creation, God can restore them to a healthy self-identity.
But Satan knows that people who are broken at this most basic level of gender identity are much less prone toward seeking out a solution to the hurt and bitterness that comes from sexual confusion. It is a position that tends to mire a person in stubborn rebellion. And in stubborn rebellion, feelings take the place of truth and fact. In fact, feelings take over the position of truth in a person’s life.
But Jesus points us back to the very beginning, when God first designed the human race. We were designed with two genders: Male and female. Only two. And these two genders are the basis for marriage, which is the basis for a healthy and stable society.
Satan has attacked the bedrock of society because he knows that no building can last long without a foundation. Two genders is the foundation of humanity. Everything else falls when the foundation is removed.
If your church does not take the first 11 chapters of the Bible literally, you have no foundation. And because so many churches do NOT take this part of the Bible literally, the foundation for society has fallen apart. We get the design specifications for humanity from the first chapters of Genesis, which Jesus is quoting from in our passage. Take this away and we will end up operating in ways we were not designed to operate. And because so many churches actually DID take this away, we now see the effects on society.