You Must
Born Twice
How many of you have ever been born? I am hoping I will get a 100% affirmative response on this one. I don’t believe we are at the point where we are producing humans in laboratories, so I would be very surprised by any other answer. (This post isn’t about the ethics of that possibility, although it would be deeply troubling).
But did you know that if you are only born that ONE TIME, that this will not be enough to get you to heaven? Only people who are born-again, or born a SECOND TIME, can go to heaven. And there is a very specific reason for this.
Every single human, since the very beginning of humanity, has inherited the fallen nature that was passed on to them from our very first father, Adam. And Adam had this fallen nature, not because he was created with it, but because he rebelled against God and sinned.
By the way, if you believe in evolution, it is impossible to believe ANY of the Bible. You have thrown away the very foundation of why Jesus came, and so the Bible says you are a fool. I agree with the Bible. And this post isn’t about refuting evolution either.
Back to the Bible and THE truth! Every human is born with the fallen nature of Adam. This is what makes us sinners! We don’t BECOME sinners because of the bad actions that we do. When we are born into this world, we are ALREADY sinners because of our sin nature!
That cute little baby has the nature of a sinner, even though he or she hasn’t done anything yet. They were made sinners by the action of Adam, and not because of their own actions.
Paul tells it like it is here. Plain and simple. Any human who has been born into this world is a child of wrath. And as long as we continue to have the nature of Adam, we will remain a child of wrath.
And just like this name implies, we cannot be in relationship with God if we are a child of wrath. The relationship that Adam originally had with God when he was created is completely broken in us because Adam broke it.
And that is why being born only once is not enough to get you to heaven. Every human is born broken. Separated from God. A child of wrath.
To go to heaven, every human must be born a second time. Born-again! It is an absolute necessity that they must trade in the nature that made them a child of wrath and receive a new nature. A nature that is connected to God and makes them a child of God.
You cannot retain your fallen nature, the nature that made you a child of wrath, the nature that kept you dead in trespasses and sins, and not be anything but a child of the prince of the power of the air (the devil).
Does this shock you? There are many people in the world who try very diligently to be nice people, and some of them are quite successful at it. But if they still retain their fallen nature that has made them a child of the devil, then they have no hope of heaven.
Nice people CANNOT go to heaven if they still have the nature of a sinner! They are still dead.
It is only being born-again that makes people alive.
There are many people who are the walking dead who are living their lives in this world. They have only been born once. That’s not enough to actually be alive.
There are many people who attend church who are in the same boat. They attend church because they are trying to be a good moral person. But if they have only been born once, they are still children of wrath. Still dead with their nature of sin that Adam gave them.
The Good News is that anyone who will accept Jesus as their Savior will be born-again. And when this happens, God will make them alive by removing their nature of sin and replacing it with the nature of Jesus.
And then they will no longer be a child of wrath! Why? Because they have a new nature! They’ve been born-again! And heaven starts today because they are connected with God! The way that they were designed to be.