The Identity
The Church
I think most Christians don’t actually know what, or who, the church is. And because this knowledge is missing from their minds, they are technically dysfunctional in their personal Christian walk.
Now dysfunctionality is not God’s best for anybody. His will is that every Christian should be walking in victory. But dysfunctionality and victory are opposites. And Christians who are walking in dysfunctionality are leaving much of their abundant life on the table.
Do you want to walk in consistent victory? You must first understand the true identity and definition of the church. Without this understanding it just can’t be done. I can tell you with 100% certainty that an anxious, fearful, defeated Christian does not understand the church or know how to properly define it.
The word, “church,” is misused, or rather misappropriated to an incorrect use in the English language, and so it makes the true meaning of the word very obscure.
When I use the word, “church,” most people immediately think of a building. It’s a destination place. A place where you go on Sunday, and possibly Wednesday night. But it’s not a place where people live. And frequently, it’s an empty building just waiting for an event.
But in the Bible, the “church” is not a place that you go to. Rather, it is a group of people. And this group of people doesn’t go TO church. Rather, they ARE the church. And the church exists wherever they are!
Why is having a thorough understanding of this concept so critical to walking in Christian victory?
Because the group of people that make up the church are not a group of people who are waiting for an event. Whether or not they have gathered together for an event has absolutely no bearing on their identity!
And what is this true identity of the group of people who make up the church?
They are His (Jesus’s) BODY. And they are the FULLNESS of Him (Jesus) who fills all in all.
This is beyond radical! And it is beyond critical for each Christian to understand the ramifications of this.
When Jesus was on the earth, there was not a single moment when His physical body ever experienced sickness, depression, or fear (except when He was hanging on the cross and those things were placed on Him so He could destroy their power).
And the church is simply an extension of this same body that never experienced sickness depression, or fear!
The church is simply an extension of the FULNESS of Jesus. There is no diminishing of His power and authority in His current body (the church) from the body that He operated in when He was physically here in the Earth 2000 years ago.
And if Jesus didn’t put up with sickness, depression, and fear back when He was physically here to minister, why would He put up with these things in His current body, the church, that is the representation of His complete fullness?
These things are only present in the members of His body because the members of His body have never been taught about their true identities!
The body of Christ has NO sickness! Or depression. Or anxiety. Or fear.
Except when they are ignorant of who they are.
But if Christians could ever get the revelation that they are the FULLNESS OF CHRIST, they would realize that this fullness leaves no room for sickness, or depression, or fear.
That’s good preaching no matter how good you’re listening!