What Marriage Isn’t!
You cannot read the Bible without realizing that it makes absolutely no provision for the possibility of same-sex marriage.
At no time does the Bible allow for this type of relationship. In fact, the only relationship that is described with the word “marriage” is always between a male husband and a female wife. Anything else is never called “marriage.”
Husbands do not have husbands. Wives do not have wives. The text could not be any more clear about this.
Homosexual relationships are not normal or natural. And it is not God who made people that way. Rather, it is sin that has made people that way. Sin has broken the human race.
Is homosexuality a worse sin than pride, gluttony, or murder? Not at all. Every sin will produce death and destruction. Every sin has a terrible price to pay.
Romans chapter one describes homosexuality as the ultimate low point for those who are determined to rebel against God.
But there isn’t a special hell reserved for homosexuals. There is only one hell. And the only people who go there will be those who reject Jesus Christ as their Savior.
Homosexuals make the claim that they were “born this way.” And while this is often not the case and they were groomed into it by a peer or a person in authority in their life, I rarely argue this point with them.
I don’t argue this point with them because I have a SOLUTION for them, whether or not they were born that way.
Every single human being is born into sin. Every single human being comes into this world with a sin nature and is separated from God, destined for hell. That’s the BAD NEWS.
But every single human can be BORN-AGAIN, simply by inviting Jesus into their life to become their Savior.
They tell me they were born this way. And I tell them they can be BORN-AGAIN and be free from their old sin nature.
That’s GOOD NEWS! It’s Good News for homosexuals. It’s Good News gluttons. It’s Good News for murderers. It’s Good News for every sinner out there who will accept it.
You can escape hell. There’s a solution for your sin: You must be born-again!
But if you are only born once, you will die in your sin. How sad it will be that you didn’t accept God’s solution.