How Big is Your Faith?
How much faith do you have? Or to phrase it differently, how BIG is your faith? And do you wish you had more?
I think if you polled a group of Christians on this question, you would likely get a wide variety of answers. But very few would admit to having faith that was big enough to work miracles.
It might be a television or radio personality that they admire. Or it might very well be their own local pastor that they are considering to be full of lots of faith.
It really doesn’t matter who you look up to as a person who has more faith than you because no matter who you are looking at, YOU ARE WRONG.
Now it is obvious that most of the Bible translators don’t agree with me because of the way that they translate this verse.
The majority (but not all) of the translators render this that “God has dealt to each one A MEASURE of faith.”
Now the problem with translating the verse in this manner is that it leaves you with the impression that the size of the measure of faith can vary. “A MEASURE” could vary quite a bit and doesn’t sound specific at all.
Can you imagine how differently a recipe would taste if the directions called for adding in “a measure” of salt? What the heck does that even mean? A teaspoon? A cup? Depending on how you interpreted that phrase could mean the difference between yummy and yucky.
But the original language is not vague in this measurement at all. It is extremely specific. The word “measure” is the word that we get our English word “meter” from. And a meter is not a variable measurement at all! It is specific and exact.
Because we don’t use the metric system in the USA, let’s switch the term to “yardstick.” Paul is very specifically telling us that every Christian is given a YARDSTICK of faith at their conversion.
How big is a yardstick? It’s 36 inches! What do you have when your stick is only 35 inches? I don’t know. But it’s no longer a yardstick!
And if it isn’t a yardstick, then it is not the exact measurement of faith that every single Christian is issued at the exact moment that they become born-again.
Your hero of faith was given a yardstick. But so were you! There is no difference between the size of the faith of that man or woman who is preaching to thousands and your faith.
You either possess the standard yardstick of faith or you are not actually a Christian.
But how many Christians have been taught this? Not many.
And so the devil convinces them to believe the lie that their faith is small. Too small for miracles. Too small to change the world.
That’s a lie!
You’ve got the yardstick! And you can learn how to use it for miraculous living and changing your culture.
How can you learn to use it? STUDY THE WORD! The only reason you are sick is because you believed the lie that you didn’t have enough faith.