Does God Say No to His People?
There is a popular religious teaching that says, in regard to your prayers, that sometimes God says, “yes,” sometimes God says, “no,” and sometimes God says, “wait a while.”
This teaching not only can’t be proven from the Bible, it is actually contradictory to the Bible! And by making this statement I have probably just stepped on quite a few religious toes.
God has given us so many exciting and wonderful promises in His Word that every Christian should be living an extremely blessed life.
We are told here in this passage that since God has already given us His very own Son, He will also freely give us ALL THINGS.
But most Christians are not living an extremely blessed life. Instead, they seem to be struggling with the exact same struggles that Non-Christians struggle with.
I could easily make a case from Scripture that all of the treasure of heaven is contained in Jesus, and that ALL of this treasure has already been given to us when we become born-again believers.
It is impossible to read this passage without seeing that God’s default position is to always say, “yes,” because He has already given us ALL THINGS when He gave us the entire treasury of heaven by giving us His Son.
And by the way, God never deviates from His default position. If He has given you a promise then the answer is ALWAYS, “YES.”
If He has already said, “yes,” in regard to EVERYTHING, where do the people who are teaching this contrary doctrine of yes’s, no’s, and wait’s getting their teaching material?
They are getting it from their experience and not from the Scriptures!
Now here is the problem with religion. When people have an experience that is contrary to what Scripture tells them, they will come up with a teaching to make an excuse for it so that they can justify their contrary experience.
What they really should be doing is to study the Scriptures further and find out the REASON for their contrary experience. (There is always a reason. And the reason can always be fixed).
If God has already freely given us ALL THINGS when He gave us His Son, then it would only stand to reason that there must be something WRONG if this is not what we are experiencing.
But believing that God may be saying, “no,” or “wait,” will keep you from recognizing that there is not only a problem, but that you should find out what the problem is and fix it.
If you cannot rely on God to honor His promises 100% of the time, you will be unable to ever really trust Him.
And this is the greatest damage that this false teaching inflicts on God’s people. It places them into a place where they can never be sure if God is going to honor His promise or, just for no reason in particular, say, “no.”
This is a terrible way to live! No wonder so many Christians are struggling with anxiety, fear, guilt, depression, worry, sickness, and lack.
They have been taught to doubt all of God’s promises except the one that gets them to heaven someday.
Do you see a promise from God in the Scriptures? Then know for an absolute fact that the words,”no,” and “wait” are not in God’s vocabulary.
He has already given you that promise. The answer is “”YES!”