The Holy Spirit Speaks
First, we are told that the Holy Spirit said something. Something that was not specifically in the Bible, but was specific instruction for the direction of this church body.
Now this is a very foreign concept to most modern churches. They are not used to the Holy Spirit saying anything. They don’t expect it. They aren’t looking for it. And they often wouldn’t even allow it.
Now I recognize that the Holy Spirit speaks through the Word of God, and many modern churches feel that they are listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit when they are interacting with His Word.
Now this is absolutely a true statement. But interaction with the Word of God will give us general revelation about our lives and course of action, but is not as useful in directing us to a more specific course of action.
There was a specific calling on two members of this church that could not be determined simply by reading the Bible. There wasn’t a specific passage that said to Barnabas and Saul, “Hey, you two, go somewhere else that I haven’t called the other teachers in your church to go.”
This was a very specific instruction from the Holy Spirit. And all of those praying together heard His voice say something.
That this is a foreign concept to most modern churches is evident because I hear so many Christians testify that they have difficulty hearing the voice of God.
From a Scriptural standpoint, hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit is not difficult and not reserved for the super saints. It is something that every born-again believer is qualified to do.
If Jesus lives in you, then you can hear the Holy Spirit speak.
But most Christians testify that this isn’t happening. Why is this?
The problem is usually found in the teaching they receive. Or more commonly, in the teaching they DON’T receive.
While some churches teach against the ability for the regular Christian to be able to hear the Holy Spirit, most churches are simply ignoring the subject altogether.
Either way, the average Christian has no expectation of hearing the Holy Spirit say anything to them.
And what is the effect of this teaching (or lack thereof)?
The majority of Christians will testify that they really have no idea what the will of God is for their lives. They have been trained to be deaf.
The voice of the Holy Spirit will never say something that contradicts the Bible. But He speaks to us in more specific instruction as well. We are just being trained not to be able to hear Him.
I told you there was a second reason why this passage is so shocking. It is because the Holy Spirit sent two key people OUT of a local congregation.
Most modern pastors would never want to operate this way. They want to do everything they can to retain people and grow the size of the local congregation. They certainly don’t want to give up two key people.
Anyway, I’m out of space and can’t elaborate much on this second point. But retaining everyone in a local congregation and not sending people out is NOT the Biblical model.
But it has become our cultural model. And rather than strengthening the local church, it has stifled the influence of the Church.
Anyway, I’m done commenting. Christian, you should absolutely expect to be hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking. That’s normal Christianity.