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What About Seeker-Friendly Churches?

Do you go to a seeker-friendly church? The Corinthian church was a seeker-friendly church too. And Paul chastised them severely for being that way!
There is no Biblical model for being a seeker-friendly church. The only example we have in this regard is of a seeker-friendly church that is getting chewed out for adopting such an anti-Biblical model for church life.
When Paul describes this seeker-friendly church philosophy, he uses the term “puffed up.” I will tell you straight up that this was no compliment.
The word literally means “to be swelled up with pride.” It is like inflating a balloon so large that it is on the verge of exploding. One tiny pin prick and the thing that is “puffed up” is done for in a catastrophic way.
What made the Corinthian church a seeker-friendly church? What were they doing that exasperated Paul to such a point that he would give them such a tongue lashing?
They had a man who was committing egregious sexual sin and not even bothering to hide it. In fact, it was so egregious that even most unsaved people outside the church wouldn’t be comfortable with what he was doing and would think it was wrong.
But this seeker-friendly church made him feel so comfortable and accepted that he felt no need to change his behavior. And the worst part? The church was PROUD that they had created this kind of environment.
Paul was having none of that garbage! It is one thing to make people feel welcome when they come into your meeting. But it is a whole other ball game to make them feel so comfortable that they see no reason to ever change.
This is completely unbalanced and unbiblical! And any church that operates in this manner is not doing the sinner any favors. Read on in this chapter and you will be confronted with the horrible reality that people will attend seeker-friendly churches and end up still going to hell because nobody stopped them.
We certainly believe in God’s grace. But there is a purpose for the Law, and if the purpose of the Law is bypassed, there is no way for a person to understand how desperately they need God’s grace and how impossible it is to save ourselves.
But when a person doesn’t understand how utterly terrible and devastating sin is, they will never be able to comprehend that grace is their only hope.
When a person doesn’t realize that their behavior is unacceptable because they have a sin nature, they can never fully recognize they need a Savior.
And interaction with the church without recognition that a Savior is necessary will send people to hell. And until they feel uncomfortable and unwelcome remaining there in their sinful condition, they are destined for ultimate disaster.
When churches make sinners feel good about themselves and just keep them well entertained, they are killing them. And they are killing themselves too because the leaven of sin spreads into the whole church when it isn’t dealt with.
A seeker-friendly church is not good news. It doesn’t matter how large the attendance is. It’s puffed up. And it won’t end well.