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God’s Promises and Your Five Senses

Put yourself in Abraham’s shoes for a moment. The man was in his eighties. And his wife was in her seventies. And they had no children. Not a one!
Their child bearing days were long behind them. The parts of their bodies that were necessary for reproduction had long since ceased to function.
But in a conversation with God, Abraham received a promise that had to have been mind-boggling to him. He was going to be the father of many nations. And his descendants would be as numerous as the stars.
Now Abraham had a choice to make when God gave him this promise. He could either look at the FACT that he was too old to have children. Or he could BELIEVE that God was able to deliver on a promise that outwardly seemed impossible.
He chose to believe God! And in doing this, he became the father of faith.
Now keep yourself in Abraham’s shoes for a little longer. He had a promise from God. But 15+ years passed without any tangible results on the delivery of that promise.
What would you be thinking? Just like Abraham, you would have to make a choice. Either believe that God had been unable to deliver on the promise, or else keep believing what God had promised in spite of what his five senses were telling him.
Paul says it this way in the previous paragraph: Contrary to hope, in hope Abraham believed.
This is a powerful principle and one that will set a Christian free if they can understand it and apply it to their life.
Our faith is made powerful and energized by hope. And hope is not dependent on what our five senses are telling us or experiencing.
In fact, our five senses may be telling us something completely contrary to the promises that God has given to us. But if we understand the immutable nature of God’s promises, our five senses have no authority in our lives to remove our hope or break the power of our faith.
How much weight do YOU give to God’s promises, even when you don’t yet see the outward manifestation of those promises?
Abraham gave his circumstances absolutely no weight at all! He didn’t SEE it. But he BELIEVED it!
And God counted him righteous because of his BELIEF. Abraham was never counted righteous because of the things that he DID.
Now this is huge!!! So many Christians get discouraged and start doubting God’s promises when they don’t see an immediate outward manifestation of God’s promises.
This is NOT operating in faith. It is NOT learning from the example of Abraham, the father of faith.
If you really believe in the promise, then the outward manifestation doesn’t affect your belief.
But if the lack of testimony from your five senses causes you to start doubting, then you didn’t really believe the promise in the first place. This is not faith.
Abraham had a lot of years that he could have been doubting. But he refused to doubt! A promise was a promise and God was not a liar or powerless to deliver.
He placed ALL value on the promise. And ZERO value on his five senses.
Can you do the same? You will become a powerful man or woman of faith if you can.
But you will struggle with living in victory if you can’t.
This principle applies to every single area of your life including healing and finances. God has promised that you are healthy and blessed.
But there are many Christians who are not operating in health and blessing simply because they don’t understand this principle.
They give ALL value to their circumstances. And NO value to the promises. And that will defeat you for sure.
Isaac was born from a promise. He was not born from a circumstance.