How to Serve God
How do you SERVE God?
I think this is a very important question to ask, because there are many (if not most) Christians who really WANT to serve God.
They really do want to bring God glory with their lives.
So the question we REALLY need the answer for is not in asking how we can serve God. Why? Because there are myriads of answers to that question that come with a mixed bag of failure. But if I can’t implement the answer in my life, then the answer isn’t helping me.
Answers that don’t help me are not answers I need! A better question to answer is how we can serve God SUCCESSFULLY.
The vast majority of Christians are not out there INTENTIONALLY looking for ways to fail God. But Christians everywhere are looking in the mirror and seeing someone who is falling short in the area of serving God.
Is there any hope for us? And can this problem even be fixed, or are we just destined to struggle with it until we finally get to heaven?
I am here to tell you some Good News! The problem is absolutely fixable!! But here is where the solution gets radical. It is far beyond the normal religious experience of most Christians.
But Paul reveals the secret of successfully serving God right here! And what is it? It is the critical importance of looking in the RIGHT MIRROR!
Most Christians are looking in the WRONG MIRROR. And THAT is why they are perceiving that they are not being very successful in their pursuit of serving God.
They look at a mirror that shows them their flesh. But Paul said he served God “WITH MY SPIRIT.” He was looking in a different mirror.
If you try to serve God in your flesh, you will fail. I can guarantee it!
But Paul leaned into the gospel (Good News) of God’s Son.
He wasn’t serving God through the good works that his flesh was trying (imperfectly) to implement. He was serving God (perfectly) through his spirit.
How do you do this? By faith!
When you look into the right mirror, the mirror that shows what the Bible declares about the perfection of your new born-again nature (your spirit), you won’t be seeing your flesh.
You will only see the perfection that God sees in you. You look just like Jesus to Him. And you are the righteousness of God in Him!
And THAT’S how you successfully serve God. You must keep looking in the correct mirror!
The wrong mirror will give you the wrong view.