How Important is Water Baptism?
How important is water baptism to the born-again believer? Can you still go to heaven without it? And if so, is there an effect on your Christian life if you don’t get baptized? Or is this just some trivial ritual that can be ignored and overlooked without consequence?
First of all, before we can answer this question, we need to define what it means to be baptized in water. The word literally means, “to immerse or dunk.”
A sprinkled person is not a baptized/immersed person. And this will be an important distinction when we see how vital it is that each new Christian be IMMERSED.
This passage of Scripture is from Paul’s recollection of his conversion experience. If you read the entire passage, he had already confessed that Jesus was Lord and so he was already converted.
The Bible clearly teaches that a person who confesses Jesus becomes a born-again new creation. This is accomplished by God’s grace through the response of faith, and not through any of our good works, including the ritual of water baptism.
Paul was already forgiven because of his faith. And yet Ananias, the man who layed hands on Paul (Saul) and miraculously restored his sight by the power of God, told him, “Why are you waiting? Arise and BE BAPTIZED, AND WASH AWAY YOUR SINS, CALLING on the name of the Lord.”
Now this language shows us how critically important it is for every new Christian to be immersed, although it doesn’t translate well in the English.
Each of the three verbs (be baptized, wash away, calling) are in the Greek middle voice. This is powerful when you understand the significance.
The middle voice shows that you are not only the agent or instigator of the action, but that you also are concerned with and participate in the results of that action.
Water baptism isn’t saving you. But it is helping you to understand the ramifications of what it was that saved you and how that experience affected and transformed your life.
Without water baptism, a Christian will struggle to understand their new nature. They will struggle to understand their new birth. And as a consequence, they will constantly be bombarded with guilt and condemnation that will steal the joy that belongs to them.
And that is what I see in the lives of Christians who have not been taught about the true significance of being immersed.
It is a powerful sermon illustration that is foundational to understanding our new relationship with God.
It isn’t necessary for heaven. But it is critical to being able to live a victorious life. You can’t fully understand what happened to you in your conversion without it.
A Christian who is struggling with guilt has almost certainly not been taught correctly about water baptism.
Got guilt? Go back and learn the basics. And this certainly includes water baptism and fully understanding what this sermon illustration means to your life.