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Signs and Wonders ARE Necessary

How does God bear “witness to the word of His grace?” In other words, how does God offer proof that the message that preachers preach is THE truth and not just A truth?
I live in a county where people from all over the world have moved in. And they have brought their cultures and religions with them. There are myriads of places of worship. And while some are Christian in nature, many of them are not.
During the week, there are many truth claims that are spoken by the leaders of these places of worship. And in fact, there are non-religious people who make their non-religion their religion and make claims of truth too.
Now if all of these conflicting truth claims are put out there in the marketplace for people to listen to, how can they really decide if there is an ultimate truth that transcends and supercedes the rest?
After all, it could really just boil down to an opinion that makes a person the most happy. And if this is the case, the argument could be made that there are many paths to God and that all that matters is that you find the one that makes you happy.
But the Bible doesn’t agree. God has made it crystal clear in this Book that the ONLY path to Him is through Jesus Christ. (See John 14:6 if you don’t believe me.)
But, of course, this Book is just my truth claim butting up against the truth claims of other opinions. Is there any evidence that my truth claim is real and that the other truth claims are false?
Yes! Or at least there is supposed to be!
The Lord was bearing witness to the word of His grace (proving the truth claim) by “granting signs and wonders to be done by their (the Christians) hands.”
Our Christian claim of truth can only be proven by a display of power!
No power? No proof!
Now there aren’t many people who would disagree with my assessment that the majority of churches are quite powerless.
But because it takes the power of God to back up our truth claims, it should come as no surprise that by and large, the Christian community is not convincing the non-Christian community that their truth claims are superior.
Why would they believe the message of a preacher who can’t heal COVID and instead asks sick people to stay home, because they have a fear of catching something?
Why would they believe the message of a church that has no expectation of seeing people come out of their wheelchairs?
There is no reason for anyone to believe a truth claim that comes out of the mouth of a powerless Christian.
And THAT’S why signs and wonders can NEVER BE OPTIONAL!
Is your church teaching you that signs and wonders are optional or were only for ancient times? Then you are being taught spiritual garbage.
The Good News is that you can take that trash out and put it on the curb. The Holy Spirit will haul that junk to the dump where it belongs. But it will probably require a change in the message you are listening to.
You will find the provable message of truth in the Bible!